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Percy's Blogs

Decline or Ascension in 2023  (January 2023)

The New Year begins and the top concerns for people in Europe revolve around gas and electricity prices, the Ukraine war, inflation and falling house prices.  Meanwhile New Year’s Eve sees millions of people burning money in the form of fireworks where a single EU$20 purchase garners a half second of noise and bright light while EU$60 gets you more noise and a few extra milliseconds of thrill, or terror for those injuring hands and eyes    Read more...


What Has Covid-19 Taught Us So Far  (January 2022)

Another Covid-19 afflicted year begins and some us may be asking, “what have we learned so far from the misery of pandemic?”  Sadly the experience has yielded few positives.  For those with their eyes open, the human species has demonstrated some pretty poor behaviour.  For those with their eyes on government the leadership has been equally ordinary if indeed well intentioned.   Whether we could have expected better, given where we are in the human story, is hard to say but here’s what we know:   Read more...


President Trump  (November 2016)

Donald Trump wins the presidential elections in the USA and the world is stunned.  Even after the example of Britain’s divorce from the EU, many leaders stand in awe, mouth agape wondering how the American people could possibly elect a man like Trump.     Read more...


Vacuum of Policy at the G20  (September 2016)

Recently the G20 concluded resulting in a vacuum of policy changes and a multi-million dollar hit for the global tax-payer.  During that summit Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia, an ex-Goldman-Sachs banker, expressed concerns about the global rise in populism.  Populism inferred, we assume, by movements like Brexit and Trumpism.     Read more...


Denial Makes Us Suckers  (July 2016)

We may all be suckers to the establishment because we believe that our future will be secure and prosperous.  Can we deny that the political elite are failing in their responsibility to create a thriving, sustainable future for everyone?  By never asking ourselves, am I right and am I sufficiently informed, people fall prey to denial and its by-products, ignorance and arrogance.  Their minds remain tightly closed and they fall victim to the propaganda they want to hear.   Read more...


The UK Votes Against the Establishment.   (June 2016)

So finally Britain has voted to free itself from control by the posturing elites parading around Brussels.  People like President (appointed not elected) Jean-Claude Juncker who was quoted as saying: “When the going gets tough you have to lie.”  With integrity like that from political leadership why would the tax paying public want to support subsidies and tariffs to stay attached to an EU already struggling to keep their collapsing economic empire together?    Read more...


Circling the Abyss  (May 2016)

The world economy is dying and a lot of people are starting to wake up to the idea that something is horribly wrong.  They are beginning to question the barrage of propaganda coming out of the mouths of politicians, central bankers, CEOs and newspaper reporters.  Trust is waning in our society leaders.   Read more...


Public Health Systems  (April 2016)

I recently suffered a bicep tendon rupture while doing some impromptu gymnastics.  Subsequently, I ended up in a plaster cast after surgery to reattach the tendon to the bone with a thick suture held in place with a titanium pin.   Read more...


20 Things Wrong With The World  (March 2016)

As the human race wakes up to the mistakes it has made over the last 100 years of consumption and easy-energy fueled growth, it’s time to take a look at the world man has created and the mistakes that have been made.  Understanding the cost of the human condition will ultimately save the planet but it requires an awaking of common sense.     Read more...


Has GFC II Arrived?  (February 2016)

As 2016 begins, it appears the markets are trying to crash. If that crash gains momentum and another GFC ensues, the cost to the banks, governments and corporations will be enormous even fatal. Inevitably central bank apparatchiks are in a panic as usual to keep the economic train wreck they have created with QE, ZIRP and other market interference, from disintegrating into financial Armageddon.    Read more...


The Upside Down Food Pyramid  (January 2015)

Food is one of those subjects, like religion and politics that people tend to avoid talking openly about or can’t talk openly about without arguing.  That’s because there are a lot of beliefs and traditions wrapped up around food.  Some people believe eating meat is unnatural, others think it’s cruel.  Still others think that eating dogs is abhorrent while for others it’s traditional.  Like most belief systems there are contradictions and compromises but it should be remembered that belief systems are neither right nor wrong.  They are simply the glue that keeps communities or families, who want to practice a certain way of living, together.  Knowing a little about the science of human behaviour and how belief systems work should help people keep an open mind.   Read more...


Quality and Integrity – The Age of the Rip-Off  (December 2015)

So the collapse has started… it’s been a long time coming.  The commodity markets are dying, copper and iron prices are down while oil continues to slump.  The junk bond market is crashing (all those share buy backs are getting hit) and the stock market is teetering.  Without China vacuuming up resources for its lonely concrete bridges, empty cities and industrial malinvestments driven by an oversupply of shadow banking credit there is no global industry anymore.  The only production in the world these days is financial.  The developing countries relying on exports are all looking at weaker currencies and therefore even more pain as their US denominated debt gets more costly.  Meanwhile businesses raise their prices, lowering their quality and stealing if they have to, from the consumer.     Read more...


Terrorism or Blowback  (November 2015)

After the recent Paris attacks the question needs to be asked: who should we blame?  Should the rabid dog be blamed for attacking people or the virus that makes the dog rabid in the first place?  Is ISIS a construct of pro-Saudi Wahhabism perpetrated by US/Western acts of interference in the middle-east or is it just another unprovoked random uprising of evil extremists?   Read more...


What’s Wrong With the World - Part 1  (October 2015)

The world appears to be being pushed down a path dictated by media and a general unquestioning acceptance of things by the general public.  In “first-world” countries where the pain of a second global financial collapse isn’t significant yet, this apathy encourages governments, the deep-state and establishments behind the central banks to continue to plunder the very people that vote them into power.   Read more...


Human Culture and Belief Systems.  (September 2015)

On the eve of global financial collapse, the pain from which is still possibly eighteen months away, it seems fitting to talk about the human culture, behaviour and belief systems that have inevitably led human empire to the brink of collapse, yet again.   Sounds a bit dire perhaps but those with their ear to the railway tracks can hear the train wreck coming.  Soon it will be time to think about how humanity got itself into such difficulty and how a repeat of failure can be avoided.     Read more...


Financial Crisis and the Global Future  (August 2015)

As per the meme featured in the books “Satan's Plot” and “The Synth” (coming soon), global crisis seems to be imminent as we approach the final quarter of 2015.  Anyone keeping their eye on the global economy for the past 7 years will have noticed the tepid recovery that the governments and central banks of the world promised but haven’t quite delivered.  Quantitative easing in the USA, Japan and Europe has done little to help the “little guy”; the middle and lower classes and especially not the savers.  It has made the financial system and the plutocrats very wealthy but it hasn’t made small business or industry more productive.   Read more...