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Terrorism or Blowback  (November 2015)


After the recent Paris attacks the question needs to be asked: who should we blame?  Should the rabid dog be blamed for attacking people or the virus that makes the dog rabid in the first place?  Is ISIS a construct of pro-Saudi Wahhabism perpetrated by US/Western acts of interference in the middle-east or is it just another unprovoked random uprising of evil extremists?

Historically people don’t rise up and kill without reason, that’s just not normal human behaviour.  All murders are provoked regardless of whether they are justified or not.  When prosperity exists people are content and peaceful.  It is only when people hunger, thirst or feel pain that they become agitated.  Clearly agitated people with odd belief systems and access to weapons are dangerous.  So what has agitated the Middle East enough to foment ISIS and extremist caliphates?

Could it be the century long US/European policies of regime change that pass for a global peace-movement?  Could it be because it rains bombs in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kurdistan or Iran on a seasonal basis?  Surely the retaliatory suicide attacks in those same countries as well as Israel, Bali and now cities like Paris, London and Sydney are just unprovoked attacks by radical evil.

Such a black and white point of view seems unlikely.  Perhaps it’s time to consider a deeper meaning instead of blindly following a story created by media beholden to a world of politicians who only want the mases to obediently swallow their limited points of view.  The world is not embroiled in a James Bond fairy tale crisis of good versus evil, it is just infected by various shades of evil culminating in a general crisis.

For the most part people eagerly lap up the rhetoric and look no further for the truth than the superficial, nutritionally vacuous, flavour enhanced 6 o’clock TV news.  But that denialism is the worst evil of all.  Turning a blind eye to bad decisions, errant foreign policies, unsustainable economics and self-interested governance is self-destructive.  Worst of all it can kill innocent people or at the very least destroy their lives.

Sadly real life isn’t a fairy tale and there are higher meanings and hidden facts everywhere.  A responsible person will search for those truths and protest while the less conscientious bend over and let themselves be programmed by whatever propaganda best suits their desire for unsustainable gluttony and apathy, thereby becoming zombies or drones unwittingly supporting stagnation and eventually fascism effected by a bumbling, ignorant but powerful minority.

The truth really is out there, it’s time to expose it.

If you wonder why dangerous agitated nut-jobs pick up weapons and shoot back then you need to understand what is really going on, where it matters.  Here’s an article well worth reading:  Angel of Death.

And for a firsthand point of view, read:  Doctors without borders Kunduz review.