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Decline or Ascension in 2023  (January 2023)


The New Year begins and the top concerns for people in Europe revolve around gas and electricity prices, the Ukraine war, inflation and falling house prices.  Meanwhile New Year’s Eve sees millions of people burning money in the form of fireworks where a single EU$20 purchase garners a half second of noise and bright light while EU$60 gets you more noise and a few extra milliseconds of thrill, or terror for those injuring hands and eyes

The unaffordable gas heating is turned down and the houses are cold but still one in three Dutch diehards step into the night to, on average, exchange EU$150 for environmental vandalism.  The majority hunker down in the relative safety of their living rooms struggling to hear their TVs above the cacophony of legal and illegal detonation in the street outside.

New Year’s Day dawns after the equivalent 7 months of traffic pollution from burnt gunpowder, settles in over the western chunk of the European continent.  Particulate pollution numbers hit a record high briefly while the oblivious hibernate; exhausted from the ritual that kept them awake well into the early hours of the morning.  The terrorized animals in the forests nearby are still skittish, reluctant to venture out from their retreats in the distant corners of the woods.  Mother Nature rains weakly over the discarded plastic and burned paper that has been left in the streets for someone else to clean up. 

The plutocracies that run the world’s government are generally happy with the status quo.  Tax collections and consumerism have briefly peaked for the month.  Environmentalists in The Netherlands, desperately longing to convert the man-made world back into some contrived form of wilderness have successfully lobbied for reduced “greenhouse” output from traffic, construction and farming while conveniently overlooking the transient devastation wrought from pyrotechnic tradition.

Of course the enlightened see the reality and truth of things.  They see, for example, the Russian threat as a disaster of diplomacy.  The 75 year long persecution of the Russian state, inevitably driven by misguided American idealism and a tradition of English friction, continues to resist the new-world-order whose interest seems limited only to controlling Ukraine untapped gas and coal reserves (some of the largest in the world).   The same “order” responsible for decades of failed regime change, indirect and direct human torture, deep-state-financed riots, indiscriminate bombing of civilians, nuclear holocaust in Japan and finally economic stagnation. 

Predictably, the one-sided cabal of commercial news organizations, lambaste the Russian government, blaming them for bombing their own pipeline which after some deeper scrutiny seems more likely to have been attacked by the UK navy.  In light of a history of interference the media laments the inevitable retaliation of the Eastern bloc and casts judgement on any Russian activity against a NATO tyrannised EU; the latter unwittingly drumming up business for an ailing US economy.

It could have been a bright year.  Imagine an alternate reality where the start of 2023 heralds in a future filled with possibility as a truly independent EU, accepting that fair democracies aren’t built on regime change but evolve over centuries, grow their economy through fair trade with the Russian federation while pressuring with diplomatic courtesy for a less oligarchical political assembly.  Advanced, Russian nuclear technology, having learned from its mistakes is openly shared with an energy-hungry and open minded west. 

The North Koreans, influenced by improving cooperation rather than bullied by the threat of a bigger bomb, agree for the first time to allow publicly nominated opposition parties to run for election; confident in the knowledge that no political aspirants have been bought by the Anglo-US deep-state and no clandestine interference in electoral results will be forthcoming.

Meanwhile the USA agrees, following a desperate change in culture and attitudes, to abandon its failed policy of international interference.  In a wave of landmark decisions, the senate decides on a significant reduction in defense spending.  After finally honouring a deeper “rule of law”, it constitutionally disconnects itself from the judicial system and opens the country to an internal audit of the deep state.  The resistance is stiff and messy as the hardline of military bullies, need-to-know oligarchs and fossil fuel plutocrats plot to stifle and manipulate the democracy in a return to fascism.  US TV broadcasts scenes reminiscent of the 1950’s communist witch hunts, as innuendo is hurled in all directions.  Eventually the newly empowered and independent courts win out, justice triumphs and a new policy of transparency prevails. 

Further modernising constitutional amendments are welcomed and the world is finally freed from the oppressive strictures of US hegemony.  The free United Nations is born and a singular global legal-charter  is drafted.  One that more and more countries adopt as democracies and autocracies alike agree to its mandates on freedom, cooperation, human rights, international justice and the right of sovereignty.  The USA finally agrees to recognize and abide by UN authority and the Geneva Convention.

The world seems to spin a little faster.  The scientific community, supported by the pursuit of international justice and driven by increasing human distress, free from rapacious Anglo-American plutocracy, begins the search for alternative energy with renewed vigour .  Money previously wasted globally on defense spending pours into space research and energy technology.  The first fusion reactors are built as efforts to stem the death of the natural environment begin in earnest.  The self-interested fossil fuel oligarchs and lobbyists in general are forced by global UN law to withdraw their obstructive influence on the world’s governments.

The change is slow but real and where corruption and indulgence once determined the political landscape customs change as people begin to accept that rescue only comes with integrity, practical thinking and sacrifice.  The financial empires of the 1% are eroded, their ownership of everything is undermined as modesty, honesty, freedom and equity begin to replace the spoils of consumerism and humanitarian hedonism.

There is even talk of a democratically elected UN government, whose policy of population and energy control is received tolerantly.  The positivity that comes with the new order of global justice and probity is infectious.  More and more countries adopt the UN legal framework, keen to cooperate with the much needed global change and its offering of economic stability and enrichment; the subsequent success of such policy ensuring political survival for incumbent national governments in future elections. 

Decline finally gives way to ascension as a new era of awareness and enlightenment is born.  The vestiges of global military and economic oppression slowly fade away.  The future no longer seems so hopeless and humanity’s zeitgeist begins to glimmer with hints of optimism.

Further Reference: 

USA’s Untold History
Ukraine War –Oliver Stone
Fireworks Pollution