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The UK Votes Against the Establishment.  (June 2016)


So finally Britain has voted to free itself from control by the posturing elites parading around Brussels.  People like President (appointed not elected) Jean-Claude Juncker who was quoted as saying: “When the going gets tough you have to lie.”  With integrity like that from political leadership why would the tax paying public want to support subsidies and tariffs to stay attached to an EU already struggling to keep their collapsing economic empire together?

Britain’s EU referendum result signals a declining faith in the bureaucrats filling political jobs for the betterment of themselves.  It is perhaps a realisation that a job in politics has become less about helping the democracy and more about guaranteeing a lucrative salary, palatial offices, free travel, free business lunches and for the truly privileged access to all expenses paid red-carpet events like G7 and EU summits where elite public servants meet to feel important, sing Kumbaya and philosophise about global policy as it applies to the wealthiest 1% of the planet.  

The Future For Britain

The question that has yet to be answered is: What were the British people really voting for?  The more intellectual might have been voting against impractical regulations that stifle business, unmanageable immigration policy and unsustainable farming subsidies or perhaps against the waste of donating billions of dollars in tax payer funds in support of an EU being dragged along by doomed economic policy at the ECB. 

The problem that has not been recognised by the voting population however is that the EU dictatorship was not the whole cause of the opportunity void and austerity thinking that the UK has been suffering under recently.  Even without the EU to interfere with the banana trade or syphon off taxes for EU subsidies and ministerial pay cheques, nothing much will change.  The limited savings to Britain or changes to immigration policy will not reverse the country’s need for austerity or garner prosperity because the underlying problem of excessive debt, excessive industrial supply and declining job quality is endemic to the dying global economy.  Leaving the EU hardly affects the UK currency either, the GBP (pound Stirling) will continue to be exchanged internationally and be valued according to the same slowdown in international trade it experienced before the divorce, assuming the EU doesn’t penalise the UK as an example to its other member states.  Meanwhile its membership to NATO and the implicit waste from pointless spending on weapons to fight, provoke or embargo imaginary enemies, will continue unchanged. 

Ultimately the UK government, faced with a population demographic that is unable to afford the pensions of their retirees, increased NHS costs in the face of a sugar poisoning epidemic, waste from NATO campaigns to interfere in foreign countries on the say-so of USA imperialism, is going to have to keep borrowing to pay its bills.  With no way for a declining population of young people to afford the expenses of an aging retirement class, it seems inevitable that economic distress will only get worse in line with the global malaise.

The Political Elite.

Politics has become a game of manipulation by the political elite.  Regardless of their vote for independence, the UK parliament exemplifies governance by people who are out of touch with the needs of their taxpaying majority.  While its Lower House is elected according to all the laws of modern democracy, the upper house in the UK is populated by lords who are invited to help run the country.  The House-of-Lords, as it is known, is made up of privileged people with noble titles, Lords of the church or lords appointed by the monarchy (the queen).  Unfortunately, that undemocratically appointed group of aristocrats has the power to block policy in the lower-house and propose its own, potentially circumventing the election process.

Supporters of this system would argue that the Lords act only like a shock absorber, slowing down or deflecting impractical bills that haven’t been properly thought through.   Arguably however it is only a gentleman’s agreement not to interfere with democratic process and begs the question: “Exactly how long will such modesty last in the face of economic and environmental catastrophe”.  It seems difficult to imagine that the people representing magnates of industry, stakeholders in big banks, financial industry or big corporations and whose best friends are corporate moguls, queens, kings and other aristocrats, can be balanced and impartial to the needs of all classes. 

US Senate

The US Congress follows the same structure as the UK parliament.  There is the House of Representatives, populated by people-elected officials and the Senate which is made up of state representatives and who prior to 1913 were selected (like the Lords in the UK) by their state’s ruling junta.  Fortunately, today’s senators are elected from a pool of applicants by the people of a state in a referendum.

The system sounds democratic enough except that with corporate lobbying, commercial propaganda and elitist influences the outcome of such referendums is more a question of popularity and money (and the advertising these can buy) than qualification.

The upshot is that by 2016, US congress is full of billionaires, multi-millionaires, corporate moguls, oil barrens, wealthy ex bank CEOs and lawyers with massive share portfolios.  It seems inconceivable that such a gathering would understand what it means to increase employment opportunity, employment satisfaction or lower middle-class living costs.  It’s more likely such people will work to improve the lives of their peers based on a narrow understanding of their own upper class business interests. 

The Future of Politics, Rise of the Politicrat.

Political offices around the world continue to be tenanted by a privileged few, often the leaders of big business, banks, big corporations, unions, liberal institutions or influential families.  To coin a word, these are the politicrats of our society.  They have a poor understanding of middle-class life and live detached from the reality of production-line economics.  Is it any surprise that the voting majority has become so despondent that they turn away from the main-stream and toward the random but comforting noise of social-media?

French Revolutions and Coups.

Until governments are re-populated by the truly honest or at the very least succumbs to the transparency of independent audit, by for example qualified intellectuals, societies are probably doomed to repeat French-Revolution-style uprisings.  In other words, as the politicrats and the elite become out of touch self-interested oligarchs they doom themselves to the horror of being forcibly dragged from their lavish offices of power and symbolically or literally beheaded. 

Further Reading

EU Establishment Boos Nigel Farage