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About the Author

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Percy G Phillips is a pen name.

Percy was born in the late 60's in Perth, Western Australia.  Although a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics, Percy migrated quickly into the software development industry in 1985 eventually moving into book writing in 2015, although he started writing without publishing, many years earlier.

Percy has lived most of his life in Australia but spent some years in the UK, Holland and USA. 

There is a new books in the wings. "Zarran Hybrid", which is a more traditional sci-fi action drama that builds on the Domain Saga introduced in the book "The Syntth".

As a writer of science-fiction Percy G Phillips believes in portraying stories which are entertaining and clever but plausible within the basic limits of the physical sciences and human behaviour.  A Sci-Fi story is an attempt to extrapolate history to a point in the future and like any good literature it should be accurate, honest and open-minded. 

A Word From Percy G Phillips:

Writing is a powerful tool for changing cultural ideas, language and behaviour. As such authors have a responsibility to offer a balanced perspective no matter how fictional. Books offer a writer the opportunity to open peoples’ minds during a time when the human race is often swamped in the rhetoric of a narrow perspective.

Democracy doesn’t work if we are only ever allowed to see one point of view. It is crucially important to foster freedom of speech so that people are free to judge truth and justice for themselves without the censor of religion, misguided morals or the heavy hand of campaigns lobbied in the name of national-security. Books and perhaps self-published books in particular, help to ensure that freedom is not lost.

As well as freedom of speech, I believe the human race needs to become more enlightened by thinking and striving for more self-awareness or perhaps mindfulness. Perhaps one day we might consider implementing a process of self-auditing for laws, values and culture through a kind of scientific method, instead of glorifying ideals simply because they have become ‘flavour of the month’. We should all be careful not to be lulled into believing everything we see or hear in the rhetoric of our favourite political parties and peers. Politicians, Popes and Preachers are not infallible and are often not very educated.

Open minded free thinking is essential to us all and comes from a desire to know the truth. A truth that is commonly found in science and not simply broadcast on TV, social media or passed down to us from our parents. Those mediums harbour opinion and often propaganda; the modern day weapons of terror, imperialism and dictatorship.